Play Townstar for Free Now

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Build and grow your best town to become a Town Star! For special chances to win, join the Townies by subscribing below.

Gaming and Earning, a perfect combination

Anybody can play and enjoy Town Star for free, anytime. By owning and playing with Town Star NFT's, players can boost their gameplay and unlock different levels of rewards in TOWN, the reward token of Town Star.




Gala Games





At first Town Star seems simple, but within a few minutes it absorbs you into a world of strategic precision. Minimize the travel times of your workers. Maximize the efficiency of your production. Manage your growth… and be sure not to run out of gasoline!

Town Star is the global Play-to-Earn game of town and city builders by Gala Games.
Town Star is the global Play-to-Earn game of town and city builders by Gala Games.

Slowly develop a sleepy little town or pump up your production and fight for the top spot in the competition. Have fun and earn rewards - no matter what your style.

Play for Free. Build to Win. Win to Earn.

Town Star is the next level of farming and building sim games, with tons of players already enjoying it. Play for free and grow your town. Refine your strategy and you could win BIG.


Towns built since launch



Rewards given every week



People who've played Town Star



Total prize pool during May


Townstar plays nicely with others

Town Star has lots of friends, and exclusive big name partnerships like these give our players the opportunity to grab up some sweet limited edition collectible NFT gear to enhance their Town Star rewards.

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There are so many ways to build and new strategies to be discovered. Throw some game-enhancing NFTs in the mix… The possibilities are endless.

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